
ZN Original

Actually, we wanted to celebrate our 10th anniversary with a big party. But the year 2020 had something else in mind. That's why the idea for our first "BOCK AUF MORGEN" magazine was born. Why a magazine? Well, because ZENTRALNORDEN is so much more than just an agency: We're about design and people. We were founded with the idea of simply doing things better: The work itself, our projects and ideally the whole world. The question of work-life balance seems outdated to us. Our mindset encompasses values that apply to all aspects of life. It has become clear to us: We have BOCK AUF MORGEN, BAM! That means acting in the here and now and facing the challenges of everyday life and the future.

Give it to me!

You have to hold this magazine in your hands! Text us via bam@zentralnorden.com and you will receive your own BOCK AUF MORGEN magazine without any fee.

ZN Love Letter